Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gucci, Versace, six Italy's top designers to create charity T-shirt

Gucci, Versace, six Italy's top designers to create charity T-shirt, you love: which one? The Harper 's Bazaar "London fashion boutiques brown hand in hand, department store (Browns), launched the global cooperation with designers charity fashion T-shirt!

A lot of star love to charity, stylist also is filled with love and-" the Harper 's Bazaar "and London fashion boutiques, brown department (Browns) in International charity organizations to Women for Women International support, to help in the war from violence, abuse and insult of Women living and confidence for reconstruction theme, called the top Italian Women more than designer launched a limited edition T-shirt.

The six top female designers were: Donna tara · (Donatella Versace), Versace Albert phil's (Alberta Ferretti), freda · JiaNaNi (Frida Giannini), Angela Missoni, Rossella Jardini and Veronica ella, trow's (Veronica Etro), they are in these limited edition T-shirt in unique style of the design element, the BaoYou to see you love: which one? Six of limited edition T-shirt is now in even the carver (Lane Crawford) are available, like of the BaoYou to the early of oh oh oh oh.

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